18. Common Questions

GitHub and Markdown

If you are unfamiliar with GitHub , Udacity has a brief GitHub tutorial to get you started. Udacity also provides a more detailed free course on git and GitHub.

To learn about REAMDE files and Markdown, Udacity provides a free course on READMEs, as well.

GitHub also provides a tutorial about creating Markdown files.

Common Questions

Below is a list of common student questions asked for this lesson. This list is created and answered by students. A special thanks to one of our students, Adam Malpass (@tokyo_adam in our Slack community) for helping compile and curate this list!

Question: How do I change the resolution of the simulator in Windows?

Answer: ctrl + double click

Question: I am using Linux with ROS installed and getting ImportError whenever I am running code from Project 1

Answer: Please check this link here.

Question: How to create a video output of the Rover in Project 1?

Answer: You could try and setup MoviePy to generate a video from the saved still images, but it is much easier just to use a screen recording program, e.g. Quicktime, Camtasia, etc, to directly capture your screen! You can then (optionally) use a program like Handbrake to encode and compress the video file.

Question: My world map looks mirrored, what can be the issue?

Answer: Try swapping your x-y coordinates or use the following at the end:

Rover.worldmap = np.fliplr(Rover.worldmap)
Rover.worldmap = np.rot90(Rover.worldmap)

Legacy Issues:

The following issues have been solved in the repository.

Question: Error when running 'Read in saved data and ground truth map of the world' block in Jupyter notebook:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-63-bd52d33fb6f4> in <module>()
     3 # Change this path to your data directory
     4 df = pd.read_csv(‘../johnsRover/robot_log.csv’)
----> 5 csv_img_list = df[“Path”].tolist() # Create list of image pathnames
     6 # Read in ground truth map and create a 3-channel image with it
     7 ground_truth = mpimg.imread(‘../calibration_images/map_bw.png’)

You're getting this error since the delimiter in the csv file is currently a ',' and not ';' in pd.read_csv(). Alternatively this issue has been fixed in the project repo now.

NeedDownloadError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/nagen/anaconda/envs/RoboND/lib/python3.5/site-packages/imageio/plugins/ffmpeg.py in get_exe()
     81             exe = get_remote_file('ffmpeg/' + FNAME_PER_PLATFORM[plat],
---> 82                                   auto=False)
     83             os.chmod(exe, os.stat(exe).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)  # executable

/Users/nagen/anaconda/envs/RoboND/lib/python3.5/site-packages/imageio/core/fetching.py in get_remote_file(fname, directory, force_download, auto)
    101     if not auto:
--> 102         raise NeedDownloadError()```

**Answer:** Add the following lines at the top of the code cell to fix it:

First need to install ffmpeg dependency

import imageio

(NB: If you download the latest version of the project repo then this dependency has now been added so this issue should not occur).